Be mindful, lead with love, & don’t forget to listen.

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Grief is fucking hard.: Love notes from a trauma and loss psychologist

Dr. Cunningham created this journal to support people navigating grief. With her background in attachment, Dr. Cunningham believes grief is a relationship that requires an honest and authentic communication style. With her relational approach to grieving, Dr. Cunningham invites readers to turn down self-judgement and increase self-compassion as they build an understanding of their own thoughts and feelings about their individual experience of loss.

The journal includes weekly prompts (designed to be completed over a span of 6-months) focused on processing the many complex layers involved in building a relationship with grief. The journal is flexible and does not require readers to go in a certain order or steps, this is purposeful and reflects Dr. Cunningham's approach to grief work. Instead of going through stages or steps, Dr. Cunningham believes grief is a relationship that lasts a lifetime.