Understanding the script
I love attachment for so many reasons. I know I am biased, but it really is a fascinating lens to see the world through. Our attachments with our primary caregivers set the stage for how we navigate our world. A big part of that navigation process is what we do with our emotions.
How our caregivers responded (or lack thereof) to our emotions is important data for our nervous system. Our nervous system takes in this data one interaction at a time to build a blueprint or script of what happens when emotions are present. Our nervous systems are smart and can build different scripts for different emotions.
Think for a moment how your caregivers responded to your feelings. Did you receive different responses for different emotions? How did your caregivers respond when you were mad? What about sad? What did it look like when you were excited or curious about something? What did you learn about what happens when each of these emotions are present in your relationship with your caregiver(s)?
Ideally, we receive help to organize our feelings. Receiving help in the midst of our feelings supports us in learning what to do with them. Specifically, it helps us to learn when can I manage this by myself and when do I need support? When the attachment is either too intrusive/co-dependent or too avoidant/absent-this process gets thrown off. In doing so, it becomes confusing to know how/when to self-soothe and when to seek support from others.
As an adult, how are you at self-soothing and knowing when you need to turn to others for more support? Does turning to others bring up discomfort, embarrassment, or shame? Do you have confidence that even if an emotion is uncomfortable that you can take steps to soothe it? Or are uncomfortable emotions too intense to feel without the presents of someone else?
These are all questions that can be answered from understanding our attachment systems. Different from therapy modalities that focus on thought patterns or exposure, attachment work aims to understand the script of our nervous system. If we can understand that script, we can start to explore and identify places in the script we’d benefit from editing. We can start to learn in adulthood the things that perhaps were absent from our attachment systems.
Today I encourage you to explore. To sit with the questions posed and start understanding your own script.
Be mindful, lead with love, and don’t forget to listen.
Dr. C